Tinker Sport #1

Hey Y'all !
Yet again I have been swamped with sports, piano, school, and so many other things so I guess this is just the life of an 8th grader!
So most recently I finished my Basketball season at Tinker K-8, the school that is literally right across the street from our house, and it was my most favorite sports season "EVER"!!!!

Tryouts where open for 6th-8th graders for a Boy's & Girl's team, the tryouts where a week long and we had practice Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays unless we had  a game, so for tryouts we where outside in 85 degree weather outside of the school (that doesn't have a gym) four days a week!

After a ton of suicides, lay-up drills, and so many more things to tire us girls out I finally heard that I had made the team, out of the 25 girls that tries out and the 18 that made it, I was the only homeschooler, and to my surprise I got just as much of a shot as all of the other girls who go to the school  did!

Out of our five game season we won two games, I was a starter for all of the games except the first game (and that is a super hard spot to get just so you know), but anyway. . . the first win was 21-4!
(P.S I was number 13)
Tinker has only had a girls basketball team for three seasons and never one a game ever, and so is was a huge deal for us to win by that much! After the game all of the girls on our team where screaming, and some of them where crying happy tears!

(I LOVE this picture so much because . . . I was on defense at the time and the girl I was guarding was trying to throw the ball in, but I got in her way and she couldn't so it was our ball !)

And our very last game of the season we won 19-10, and all of us where crying! (even our coach)
Not just because we where happy that we won the game, but because the team really had been like a family for the last two months, and I now feel like all of the girls on my team are like my sisters!!!
I am so blessed that I had such an amazing season and that I could touch so many girl's lives through this amazing experience!!!
And yesterday I started Track tryouts so I will tell y'all if I make the team!!!

Until next time y'all ~ Savannah #13 Center, Defense
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