Seek + Submit

Happy 2024 Friends! It's a new year, and I absolutely can't wait to dive in to see all the the Lord has in store! He has already prepared so many incredible things and memorable moments for the next few months, and I know that this year is going to be one that I'll never forget!

When I began praying intentionally about 2024, a few things came to mind! One, "holy moly, 2023 was amazing; there is no way that this new year can come even close to how amazing it was!" Two, "But if this new year is even greater than this year, what on earth would that even look like!" And three, "I really have no expectations going into 2024, but BOY, am I excited!"

I feel as though, more often than not, I have a general idea of what a year is going to look like. Usually, a few things are already written on my calendar, plans with friends have been made, or expectations of things I hope to accomplish have been written down... but going into this year, besides a few things on the calendar, I had ZERO expectations! So, what does that mean? For some, that might mean PANIC!!! As someone who loves planning and expectations, this route would seem fitting. But, as crazy as it is, the Lord is so good in his faithfulness, and I've had so much peace going into this new year! My heart posture truly has been, "Lord, whatever your will is, it's what I want! Take my plans and expectations and allow your will to be done."

That is why, going into 2024, the two words that I've had at the forefront of my heart and my prayer times have been "SEEK + SUBMIT!" I pray that my prayer is always, "Lord, I pray that I see you in everything I say and do. That I seek you in both the majestic and the mundane +  Lord, I submit to your will and your plan, and I have peace knowing that your will is always the best, and you have my heart in your hands."

The verses that I have been clinging to are, Jeremiah 29:11-14 and Job 22:21-22!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile." - Jer 29:11-14

"Submit to God and be at peace with him;
    in this way prosperity will come to you.
Accept instruction from his mouth
    and lay up his words in your heart.
- Job 22:21-22

I'm clinging to the first verse, not only because it is a pretty popular verse that most people have memorized before middle school, but because of the parts that are after it. The Lord says we will find him when we seek him with ALL OUR HEARTS. He loves to show us more of who he is, and he loves when we seek him. And also, the part at the end is God telling his people that he will rescue them and bring them to the place he intended them to be. This is such an encouragement to my heart, reminding me that the Lord will always put me exactly where I need to be. No matter the obstacles to getting there, he will put you in the exact place and moment that he has planned for you - in his perfect timing. 

And then the second verse, Job 22:21-22. Submitting to the Lord's will isn't a simple task! I know that I love to be in control. In control of my time, my finances, my relationship, and my expectations... but, if I want everything that the Lord has for me and the people around me, that first comes with submitting everything to him. 

It is such a special thing to be able to just open your hands and release everything to the Lord. Fully trusting him in everything he has planned, everything that he's shown you, and everything that he has yet to show you. 

What is your prayer for 2024? Do you have any expectations? How are you seeking the Lord and submitting to his will?

I can't wait to hear all about what the Lord does in every single one of you this year, and I can't wait to share with you all of the incredible things that the Lord does in my own story. Here's to having few expectations, and trusting that the Lord will blow them all out of the water! 

Love you all dearly, 

P.S. The picture is one that I took while living in Budapest! I went with a book to the parliament, and people watched/ read for hours, and it will forever be a core memory of mine!


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