Hello 2022


First post of 2022 - 

Man! I know that when writing I say this a lot, but boy does time fly by. Yesterday I was getting ready for my first day of college and now I'm well into my second semester, theology classes and all. I've already begun to peel back the layers of this year and come across a lot of lessons to be learned, both good and bad.

I few of the things that I am already learning are the value of quality and intentional time with friends. Itentntionality goes a long way, especially when you're praying for relationships that are more than just a layer deep. Another thing I've been learning is about God's overwhelming GRACE and LOVE for me. 

If I'm being completely honest, I think that when you've had Jesus in your life for so long you tend to forget about all the things that he does for you. Things that you think you are doing on your own, building relationships, driving your car to school, breathing... when in reality he's putting people in your life to build relationships with, he's protecting you and giving you wisdom when you drive to school, and he is the reason that I wake up every day with breath in my lungs. 

Needless to say, going to a Christian school is more than just a great atmosphere, the classes have begun to challenge me and make me look beyond myself and the things that I thought to be true. On top of having the best teachers in the whole wide world. Dr. Ron (if you ever read this) you're my favorite!

Anyhoo, I'm already looking forward to all of the things that God has planned for me and for the people in my life. My family is adding onto our house, I'm going to Europe on a mission trip, I'm traveling all over the states, and reading a ton of awesome books! I can't wait to keep you all updated on life stuff, the good and bad, the tears and the joys, the happiness (and hopefully no heartbreak). But I know that God is already stretching me and reminding me of who he is. And I'm just thankful that I get to take you all along on the journey. 

- Savannah


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