Starting Anew

Just like that, another year has come and gone, and I can't even begin to understand how that happened! But looking back on 2022 and looking forward to everything God has planned for next year makes me so BEYOND excited. 

This year was a year that challenged me and stretched me. It was a year that I cried a lot of tears, both sad ones and tears from laughing until I was crying. I made memories that will last a lifetime and friendships that I hope will last just as long. 

I flew to a country that I'd never been to and was able to see God's faithfulness for his people all over the world. In a place where there is sickness and disease, poverty, fear, death and darkness. But how, even amongst all of that, the word of the Lord is spreading like wildfire, and that hunger for righteousness is something that the world can never take away.

I had a lot of hard conversations. I had to say sorry over and over, as well as learn to forgive those who have hurt me - but amongst all of it learned that keeping short accounts is something that the Lord has called us to do and will make us more like his son Jesus.

I learned that the Lord is so faithful and loves to give us more than we could ever ask, think, or imagine. He loves to take our dreams and our desires, and make them his. 

I saw friendships blossom, new relationships form, old ones fall apart, and growth takes place in many different ways. 

I spent time with my family and went on trips with them that I'll never forget. 

We suffered a loss, the first one that we kids can really remember - but through the tears, I was reminded by my favorite professor that "our loss is heaven's gain."

I learned that no matter how awkward, no matter how busy, and no matter who is around - to take people by the hand and pray for them on the spot. Don't wait to pray for them until later, but pray for them right in the moment you're in. Show them that they are seen, they're loved, and that you'll be there for them in all the big and the small moments. 

I learned a lot this year, and I'm sure that there will be more posts to come just talking about mission trips that I went on, people that I met, and things that God did. But here is to starting anew, to sharing what got has taught me and sending it out into the world. Because if I've learned anything, it's that our testimony isn't for ourselves but for God's glory. 

Love you all, chat with you soon! Savannah :)


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