For the Guys

Anyone who has a dad, a brother, an uncle, or a cousin who is a dude in their life knows the blessings and the challenges of having guys around. I have two younger brothers, one of which is taller than me at this point, as well as a dad who is the godliest, most masculine, and most admirable men I've ever met. And while there are times that we butt heads, I couldn't be more thankful for them. For all the fun moments, for all the moments that they get on my nerves, and for all the moments that they remind me that they're going to interrogate and embarrass the man that I marry someday. :)

I think that is why more recently than ever, it's broken my heart to hear how too many of the women in my life talk about the men that they're around. Don't get me wrong, there are horribly evil and abusive people in this world, both men and women, who have tainted people's options of the opposite gender. But, I think that we, as a society, even in the Christian community, have become so comfortable with putting down the men around us.  

"Well, that's just because all men are dumb." "Men make fun of us women; why shouldn't I roast his life choices." "He's a guy; of course, he's going to act like that." The way that we perceive and speak over the men in our lives will shape the people that they become and choose to be. 

If I'm constantly speaking over my brothers, saying things like, "well, you just have no emotional intelligence." Or, "you're just a guy. You'll never understand." That won't just tear down or build barriers in our relationship, but it will reinforce the idea that men should be expected to be emotionally lacking and straight-up toxic. Are we speaking life into the things that are praiseworthy, or are we expecting the worst and speaking that over them?

That is why the other night, I sat down and asked my sister Alisa, "what are some of the things that we see in our guy friends that we should be praising? What are some of the things that we're thankful for?"

I then sat down to make a list and share it on Instagram. Here is what we wrote and why there is still hope for the men of God in our lives. 

To all the guys -
Thank you for holding the door for us.
Thank you for walking us to our car at night so we don’t have to go alone.
Thank you for walking closest to the street (we notice).
Thank you for offering to carry our bags.
Thank you for offering us your jacket if it’s cold outside.
Thank you for offering to beat people up for us. (You know who you are :)
Thank you for being kind to my siblings.
Thank you for shaking my dad’s hand.
Thank you for being respectful to my mom.

And while we know you’re not perfect, and us girls aren’t either… thank you for trying to understand our feelings. Thank you for taking the time to listen. And thank you for wanting to grow to be the godly man God has called you to be.


I couldn’t be more thankful for the guys that I have in my life. My dad, my brothers, and some of the coolest guy friends ever. And while there are times that they drive me crazy, and there are times that I’m just like, “can you please just chill out for a second,” I hope that I’m someone who will help call up guys in my life up to become the men God has called them to be.

Give them the space to grow - acknowledge the good, challenge the bad, and pray for them continuously!

- Sav

1 Peter 4:8

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly since love covers a multitude of sins.

Philippians 2:3 - Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.


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