"You're My Best Friend!"

Those four words mean a lot! And honestly if you asked me who my best friend is I would never be able to pick just one!

My Mom is my best friend, so are my sisters, so is my dad, so is "Aly", so is Mindy from the Network, so is my dog Thor!
I've never been a person to say I have 'one' best friend. It's just not really my thing. But the close friends that I do have mean the world to me. I know that if I need anything I can call any of them. I could ask any number of them to pray for me and I know that they would do it! My friends are people that I know I can confide in without worrying that my feeling or secrets are going to be shared with the entire world.

Do you have anyone like that? Somebody you can confide in? Someone you trust? I hope so. If not let me know!!

But this is what I'm wanting to talk about: How do you know who's your best friend? It's not always easy. I've been hurt pretty bad by people who I've called "Best Friends". Have you?

True friends, ones that "Stick closer then a brother", are going to do a few things. Here are things that I’ve noticed they do.

1. They build you up. They don't pump you full of false complements. But they also don't constantly compare you with other friends or people they know. They help you to see how unique and amazing you are. And you should do the same for them.

2. They encourage you in your faith. Having friends who are like-minded Christians is so important. The Bible says that we are to help each-other get stronger as iron sharpens iron. Having people that you can have tough conversations with are worth having. Even if sometimes you just agree to disagree, listening to what your friend has to say is super important.

3. They're kind to your siblings. For me this is a big one. Since I have four siblings ranging from ages 13-1, when my friends treat them with kindness and show them that even thought they're younger they don't mind having them around means a lot to me. Especially when I'm on the phone and they want to be included in the conversation! (Alisa, I'm looking at you!)

4. They stick up for you. A true friend isn't just going to stand and watch if you're in trouble. They'll show you that you're not alone and they'll tell you that they've got your back!

5. They're genuine. So often now a days I find that it's so easy to just text someone "ILY" and expect that to be enough. A true friend takes the extra second to tell you that they care about you, that they "Love you" and will be there for you. And they don't pretend like they care about you and then treat you like crap the next day. That is ZERO buneo!

Whew! I think I'm gonna stop there. I could go on and on about this all day!!!

So let me leave you with this. Are your friends drawing you nearer to Christ and helping you be more like him? Are they building you up, not tearing you down? Take an extra second and think about it! And more importantly pray about it! Thank God for the amazing people that he's put in your life, and continue to pray for friends that stick closer then a brother!

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
~ Proverbs 18:24 ESV

Your Friend,


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