Dear 2020...

I tried to write a perfectly written recap of this year, of all of it's lessons, all the highs and lows, but for some reason I couldn't come up with anything that sounded like me! It all just sounded like the normal 'end of the year Instagram post' kinda feel. Not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that, but that just wasn't my heart coming out of 2020. So this post is coming straight from Savannah's journal... its my most personal of places, its my place to share all my most secret of thoughts, hardest of lessons, most honest of prayers, and sometimes most ridiculous girly drama! (That's why I write on both my blog, and in a journal!)

So, without further introduction, here's... "Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!"

"I can't believe another full year has come and gone, it flew and I really hope that this year goes by a little slower. It seems like yesterday that we were ready to start 2020, we had goals and big hopes for the new century... no, decade... that we got to be a part of starting. But, things didn't go as planned. Me and (insert boy's name here) ended things in January, Covid hit EVERYONE, the world shut down, we had to learn how to connect via Zoom and letters (which I'm not complaining about)... but with all of that being said, God was still moving and growing me more then he ever had.

I became the worship leader for the Zone, a worship leader for United and Frontline, I started writing and filming ZTVs for all of God's littles, I got to pour into so many relationships and make so many memories that will last me a lifetime. Was this year perfect, no way! Hearts were broken, lessons were learned, time was spend apart, and at times I honestly wondered if the world and everyone in it was going to make it. But, God...

God was still, and forever will be, in control.

God held my heart and still does when it hurts.

God continues to open doors for me and my family to love him and his people by being his hands and feet.

God knew that all of this was going to happen and he said, "I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you."

So, that why I'm so ready for 2021. God has some amazing plans and I can't wait to see how they all unfold!

College, new relationships, more ZTV, and more time loving God and others while still learning and growing every day into the person God made me to be!

20201, I'm so ready... lets see what God is going to do! 

All my love, Savannah


  1. What a year! Full of God's blessings and grace! Loved reading this and so excited to watch what HE does in and through you in 2021!!!


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