My First Blog Post

Hi all!

It's me Savannah, and this is my very first (of many) blog post!

On my blog I am going to talk about books I'm reading, stuff I like, Bible verses that catch my eye, and anything else that comes to mind!

I have a lot of friends that are moving and family and friends far away. I thought this would be a great way to keep in touch with all of you, so please comment, and continue to watch for new posts!

Yours truly~ Savannah Rose

"You are never too old to set another goal, or dream a new dream."
~ C.S Lewis


  1. Hey girl! So glad to be able to connect with you on here. Hugs!


  2. wow! This is very exciting. I will look forward to following your blog. You are a winner,
    Teddy Knows!!

  3. I'm so proud of you Savannah Rose!!! It will be exciting to see how God uses your Blog to reach others!!!


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